Vol. 1 (2020)

Topical Method and Public Law

Silvia Díez Sastre
Profesora Contratada de Derecho Administrativo. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Published 2020-03-05


  • Topics, common places, legal method, legal system, public law

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Topics, coined as part of the Aristotelian Organon, had a major influence on the development of law in later centuries, especially in the Middle Ages. The compilation of common places (or topics) in catalogs led to the design of legal maxims books, which constituted the initial stage of Law systematization. Topics thus played a fundamental role in shaping contemporary legal systems. However, since 1700 and, particularly, in the 19th century, the systematizing trends of civil law discredited and superseded the topical method. After World War II, Theodor Viehweg advocated the importance of Topics in legal methodology, rendering visible the dysfunctions arising from a purely logical-formal approach to law. This construction evolved into theories of legal argumentation that have reached a high degree of development nowadays. However, the value of Topics in the contemporary methodology of Law and, particularly, of Public Law, has not been analyzed in depth. This paper makes a first approach in this regard, and claims a space for Topics compatible with other methodological approaches. For this purpose, an analysis of the methodological value of the topic is carried out and a distinction between formal common places and material topics is drawn.


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